High Art – A priceless painting’s true value is determined by the people that adore it and the people that desperately want it.
Description: This is Team Obnots’ seventh 48 Hour Film Project movie, High Art. We got ‘heist’ for the genre, we had to use a scale as a prop, the line of dialogue “You win some, you lose some”, and the character ‘Wilma or Winston Weatherbee, gardener’. There might be at least one ninja in it, and most importantly, Gir Bullmastiff makes her film debut! This is version 2 with a few fixes.
Cast & Crew: Benjamin “Shwilly B” Garton, Courtney Jane Brown, Dabu, Dan Strange, Gir Bullmastiff, Irina Peligrad, Jeff Mission, Jess Riggs, Joed Polly, Leslie Diamond, Patrick Nichols, Sarah Pierce, and Tiffany LaRoche.