Fertility – A struggling couple is willing to try whatever it takes to get pregnant. A local fertility doctor hatches a plan to get them involved in an experimental clinical trial, and there’s a good friend to listen, support, and egg them on.
Description: Team Obnots got together once again and stormed our brains hard until we came up our sixteenth movie, Fertility. We had to use either ‘drama’ or ‘slapstick’ as our genre, and to our surprise, we went with drama. We also had to use an egg as the prop, the line of dialogue “You don’t have a clue, do you?”, and the character ‘George or Georgette Diffely, Artist’. Fertility tells the story of a struggling couple willing to try whatever it takes to get pregnant, and… well… you’ll just have to wait and see… This is version 2, with a few minor fixes here and there. Fertility won the Audience Award for its screening group and went on to the Boston 48HFP Best Of screening.
Cast & Crew: Abigail Bower, Benjamin Garton, Dan Strange, Gregory Lohman, J.M. Moss, Jeff Mission, Jen Buckingham, Jess Riggs Garton, Joed Polly, L.A. Sweet, Leslie Diamond, Future Losers (Ghostmuse, Dabu, & Serial Krusher), Nick ‘Fig’ Figueiredo, Ray Carre, and Zeb Polly.