Thanks A Lot, Hobo Sorcerer – A Hobo Sorcerer gives a man a second chance with his girlfriend by selling him some mystical chocolates – but at what cost?
Description: Team Obnots returned for its ninth 48 Hour Film Project movie, Thanks A Lot, Hobo Sorcerer. We got ‘time travel movie’ for our genre. We had to use chocolate as a prop, the line of dialogue “You’re making a big mistake”, and the character ‘Ivan or Ivana Wright, decorator’. This is version 2 with a few fixes and two extra scenes.
Cast & Crew: Bahar Baharloo, Ben Kram, CJB, Dan Strange, Ian Lippincott, Irina Peligrad, Jeff Mission, Joed Polly, JM Moss, John Dill, Leslie Diamond, Patrick Nichols, Serial Krusher, Tiffany LaRoche, Vinyl Blight, and Xala.