A-pearl-calypse Now – A television reporter and a wise man from the street try to warn the public about a new threat from the sea and also the pearl industry that endangers the whole world. But it might already be too late!
Description: A-pearl-calypse Now was made for the 2005 Boston 48 Hour Film Project, and is the second movie by team Obnots. We had to use a string of pearls as a prop, the dialogue “I’m not really like this”, and the character ‘J. Withers, former child star’. And our genre was horror. Obnots won the audience award for this movie from our group’s screening at the Brattle Theatre. This is version 2, with a few fixes and additional scenes.
Cast & Crew: Andrew Sewell, Ben Kram, Jeff Mission, Joed Polly, Leslie Diamond, Jeremy Bruce, Stephanie Bruce and Amanda Laws. Plus additional cast.