Shattered World – An obsessed inventor invents the Quinzani Apparatus, a world-changing device that seems to solve many of the world’s problems – but at what cost?
Description: Team Obnots returned again with its sixth 48 Hour Film Project movie, Shattered World. We got tragedy as the genre, we had to use a magnet as a prop, the line of dialogue “Yes! I mean, I hope so”, and the character ‘Mary or Marty Quinzani, second-in-command’. This is version 2 with a few fixes.
Cast & Crew: Alexa Cohn, Alicia Walker, Ammon EP, Ben Kram, Chris Williams, Eartha Harris, Heidi Fjeldheim, Honey Bee, Irina Peligrad, Jeff Mission, Jeremy Smith, Joed Polly, Karla Unger-Laffin, Leslie Diamond, Meytal Kotik, Nick Colangelo, Nicole Barron, Sarahbeth Anderson, Tess Lee, Thomas Munro, Tiffany LaRoche, and Zeb Polly.